Everything you need to start scoring now.
The Full MicroFX line in one collection. Play Seriously.
A unique pitched reverb ideal for bright modulated sounds perfect for ethereal washes on guitars, pianos, pads, and more.
Deceptively simple yet sonically complex - a dual multimode filter to transform sound with surprising depth.
The ultimate tool for extreme sonic destruction—think distortion on steroids.
A ruthless collection of aggressive rhythmic pedals, beastly basses, scorching leads, and modular noises.
An inspiring evolution of the legendary scoring toolkit, breathing new life into the world of music and sound.
The epic sequel to the iconic original.
A suite of delicate rhythmic patterns, flowing textures, and moving solo performances.
Innovative impulses, unique rhythmic echoes, and unconventional effects in a true creative playground.
Unlock your inner guitar god with explosive riffs, sparkling tones, and thrilling transitions.
A Richly Evocative, Atmospheric, and Soul-Stirring Vocal Experience.
Our Deconstructed Hybrid Orchestra. Built to push the bounds of modern scoring.
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Sincerely,Heavyocity Media